Countries and nationalities in Italian

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Countries and nationalities are written and pronounced differently – in most cases – in Italian.

In this blog I will answer some of the main questions about countries, nationalities and grammar rules related to this topic. Therefore, if you wish to know:

  • How to say nationalities in Italian?
  • Where can I find a list of nationalities in Italian?
  • Adjectives of nationalities in Italian, what is the rule?
  • Masculine and feminine of Italian nationalities
  • What is the plural of nationalities?
  • How to ask where someone is from, in Italian? And how to answer.

Please read on…

How to say nationalities in Italian?

Here is a video to hear how to pronounce some nationalities in Italian:

Here is a list of some of the main nationalities.

List of nationalities

How to say nationalities in Italian.

Nazione (Country) Nazionalità (Nationality)
Afghanistan afgano
Algeria algerino
Argentina argentino
Austria austriaco
Australia australiano
Bangladesh bengalese
Belgio belga
Bolivia boliviano
Brasile brasiliano
Bulgaria bulgaro
Canada canadese
Cile cileno
Cina cinese
Colombia colombiano
Croazia croato
Danimarca danese
Egitto egiziano
Finlandia finlandese
Francia francese
Galles gallese
Germania tedesco
Giappone giapponese
Grecia greco
Islanda Islandesi
India indiano
Indonesia indonesiano
Inghilterra inglese
Iran iraniano
Irlanda irlandese
Islanda islandese
Italia italiano
Libia libico
Marocco marocchino
Messico messicano
Norvegia norvegese
Olanda olandese
Pakistan pachistano
Perù peruviano
Polonia polacco
Portogallo portoghese
Regno Unito/Gran Bretagna britannico
Repubblica Ceca ceco
Repubblica Slovacca slovacco
Romania rumeno
Russia russo
Scozia scozzese
Senegal senegalese
Serbia serbo
Spagna spagnolo
Svezia svedese
Svizzera svizzero
Stati Uniti statunitense
Tailandia tailandese
Tunisia tunisino
Turchia turco
Ucraina ucraino
Ungheria ungherese
Vietnam vietnamita

Adjectives of nationalities in Italian

Nationalities are adjectives and they follow the grammar rule of all adjectives, this means that they change ending to agree to the noun’s gender (feminine/masculine) and number (singular/plural). For example:

An Italian man = Un uomo italiano (singular masculine)

Two Italian men = Due uomini italiani (plural masculine)

An Italian woman = Una donna italiana (singular feminine)

Two Italian women = Due donne italiane (plural feminine)


What is an adjective?

An adjective is a word added to a noun to describe it. For example, some adjectives for the noun uomo (man) could be buono (good), intelligente (intelligent), italiano (Italian), so you can say: è un uomo italiano, intelligente e buono.

The two categories of Italian adjectives

Adjectives usually belong to two categories in Italian, adjectives which, in the masculine singular, either end in -o or in -e.

For example:

-O -E
buon-o intelligent-e
italian-o ingles-e
tedesc-o svedes-e

The adjectives of nationalities ending in -ese will have the -e ending so they belong to that category.

Feminine and masculine of adjectives

In Italian every noun is either feminine or masculine and the end of the adjective must agree with the gender of the noun.

For example:

Masculine Feminine Masculine Feminine
italian-o italian-a ingles-e ingles-e
tedesc-o tedesc-a svedes-e svedes-e


However, as you can see, if a noun ends in -e, it does not change in the feminine.

What is the plural of nationalities in Italian?

The plural of nationalities is the same as the plural of adjectives and it is as in the table below. In other words if an adjective, in the singular masculine ends in -o, in the plural it will end in -i, etc:

Singular Plural
–         O

–         E

–         I

–         I







–         A

–         E

–         E

–         I








Some exceptions

Some nationalities do not follow the rule, for example:

Belgio – belg-a

Vietnam – vietnamit-a

Are nationalities capitalized in Italian?

In Italian nationalities are not capitalized nor are languages. Conversely, Countries are always written with a capital letter.

Therefore, to say: I am Italian, I live in Italy and I speak Italian, you say:

Sono italiana, vivo in Italia e parlo italiano.

As well as countries, cities and continents are also written with the capital letter.

How do you ask someone, where s/he if from?

Here are some useful phrases:

Di dove sei? = where are you from? (informal)

Di dov’è? = where are you from? (formal)

To answer you can say:

Sono + nationality

Therefore, you can say: sono inglese

Or you can be more specific and say:

Sono + di + city

For instance: sono inglese di Londra

Viaggio a Dublino

Improve your Italian by reading. This piece is all about a trip to Ireland by a group of Italians and the affinity between the two cultures.

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