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How to learn Italian from scratch

Are you just starting to learn Italian, perhaps you are at the A1 level? If so this blog is for you. In this article, we explore how to learn Italian from scratch, how to make progress, study effectively, learn vocabulary, and more.

Un passo indietro nel tempo

This is a blog in Italian for my students. This time, I’ve written about spending time in the mountain and stepping back in time to living the Good Life 😉

50 Italian cognates to supercharge your learning

Learn about the power of cognates. Working with cognates, which are words similar in both languages (in our case Italian and English) cannot only speed up your learning but also help with boosting your confidence.
This blog comes with a handy list of 50 words.

Passeggiata primaverile (from A2)

Lago di Mezzola

Blog for students of Italian. Vivo in campagna, in un piccolo paese, ai piedi delle montagne, sulle rive di un piccolo lago. Siamo a nord, vicino alla Svizzera ma anche qui a marzo si vedono i primi segni della primavera. Ieri era una giornata bella e calda di primo marzo. C’erano 18°C, il cielo era […]

Un frutto speciale


In this blog I talk about a childhood memory. This blog is for students of Italian who wish to read in the target language.

Three steps for reading in a foreign language: solving the jigsaw puzzle

letters in blocks spelling out words

Three steps for reading in a foreign language Why is reading in a foreign language so important for learning it? Why is reading in a foreign language difficult? Are there any techniques to make it easier? Read on to find the answers to these questions. The power of context and stories The British Council, in […]

Il carnevale italiano (level A2+)

venetian mask

What is Carnevale in Italy all about Vi siete mai chiesti in cosa consiste il carnevale italiano? Perché si celebra, quando si celebra e perché si portano maschere e travestimenti? Perché gli italiani dicono: “A carnevale ogni scherzo vale”? Continua a leggere per scoprirlo… Carnevale è un periodo di festeggiamenti cattolico e cristiano. Il periodo […]

The Italian Carnival

Venice Carnival

The Italian Carnival is a lively celebration before Lent, highlighted by spirited parades, vibrant costumes, and masks. This tradition involves theatrical performances featuring entertaining comedies with masked characters. Characterized by exuberant and colourful festivities, this ancient celebration allows for anything to go: games, pranks, pretence, and hiding behind a mask are the norm. The event […]

Un cielo stellato (livello A2+)

night sky

Italian night sky 20 Novembre 2020 Il blog Ecco un’altra puntata del nostro blog. Questo può essere complementare alla vostra lezione di italiano (Italian class). Può aiutarvi a capire la cultura italiana (Italian culture) e la lingua italiana (Italian language). Come inizia la nostra storia Sono un’insegnante di italiano come seconda lingua e ho vissuto […]

Looking for an Italian course?

Send me a message here (stating your current level) and I'll help you select the most appropriate one for you. Look forward to hearing from you, Laura