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In our Italian book club we read the classics and also some fun and interesting contemporary Italian books.
The main aim of the club is to discuss the excerpts, to develop speaking and to work on vocabulary under the guidance of a very experienced teacher.
This course includes 4 sessions, meetings are once a month, the class is small and there is plenty of speaking time.
Prior to the meeting, students read a selected chapter or excerpt. They are guided by a worksheet which prepares them for the discussions. The meeting is held on Zoom where participants discuss the book.
The session will have some structure but also enough flexibility so that the participants can truly express themselves fully. Zoom allows for smaller groups to be formed within the class, so that participants can have plenty of talking time during the session.
Students will have the opportunity to meet different, like-minded people who enjoy discussing and exchanging ideas. The teacher will supervise and guide the discussion, she will be available to help and to clarify any items of language if required.
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