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Little steps to make Italian easier

In this blog you’ll find some advice on how to make your learning Italian independently easier and more effective. We talk about using small steps, ...
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This is a blog in Italian for my students, as I recommend reading ‘real’ Italian whilst studying the language. Reading about real everyday anecdotes is ...
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Il rito del caffè

This is a blog in Italian for my students, as I recommend reading ‘real’ Italian whilst studying the language. Reading about real everyday anecdotes is ...
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Pesce d'aprile
Blog in Italian

Il pesce d’aprile

This is a blog in Italian for my students, as I recommend reading ‘real’ Italian whilst studying the language. Reading about real life anecdotes is ...
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Lago di Mezzola
Blog in Italian

Passeggiata primaverile (from A2)

Blog for students of Italian. Vivo in campagna, in un piccolo paese, ai piedi delle montagne, sulle rive di un piccolo lago. Siamo a nord, ...
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Fare bella figura: to make a good impression

Does fare bella figura simply mean to make a good impression? Well, for Italians their image and appearance are important and have a great relevance ...
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Il giorno della civetta

Italian Book Club: Il giorno della Civetta

Reading is one of the best ways of developing your language skills in Italian. And reading literature, in this case Il giorno della Civetta, allows ...
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Lovers' padlock
Blog in Italian

I lucchetti di San Valentino

This is a blog in Italian for students (from A2) San Valentino si avvicina. Questa ricorrenza vuole che gli innamorati si scambino fiori e cioccolatini, ...
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Netflix series Il processo

What’s on Netflix in Italian?

Watching Italian films and shows is a great way to improve your Italian. Therefore, I have decided to investigate what’s on Netflix in Italian, and ...
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Looking for an Italian course?

Send me a message here (stating your current level) and I'll help you select the most appropriate one for you. Look forward to hearing from you, Laura